These come in handy when you're answering frequently asked questions, or want to exchange pleasantries. For quick replies, you can setup a basic message, pick a shortcut, and select keywords (optional). A greeting message is sent out automatically when a customer messages you for the first time or after 14 days of inactivity. You can also set it up to send the away message at all times, on a customised schedule, or outside of business hours. You can setup an automated away message when you're unable to reply to your customers. You can set each of these depending on your requirements. You'll see three available options: Away message, Greeting message, and Quick replies. To setup these messaging tools, simply go to Settings > Business Settings and check the messaging options available there. Here's how to set up WhatsApp for Business: You can also set up quick replies for your customers. You can set up automated greeting and away messages. The WhatsApp Business app offers a few smart messaging tools which can help you save time and make things easier. Once you're done creating your business profile, it's now time to set up the app. Make sure you accurately enter details like your business name, address, contact details, etc. Ideally, you should be using your business phone number because that will make verification much easier later on.Ĭreate your profile by entering your business details under Settings > Business Settings > Profile. To get started, simply download the WhatsApp Business app from the Google Play Store. While that can also work, creating a business profile will offer much more credibility to your conversations. So far small businesses have been using the regular WhatsApp app to conduct their business or offer customer support. How to create a WhatsApp business profile Let's take a look at the new features, and how to make use of WhatsApp Business. The app is similar to the regular WhatsApp app, but comes with a number of features that enable businesses to effectively communicate with their customers.

The WhatsApp Business app is currently only available on Android. In January this year, WhatsApp introduced its business-focused app in India, just days after its initial launch. This makes it a great platform for anyone to offer business services or customer support over mobile. Globally, WhatsApp has 1.5 billion monthly active users (MAUs) and the app processes around 60 billion messages each day. WhatsApp is by far the most popular cross-platform messaging app in India.